Statistics and Probability Quiz#4, MCQs

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  1. 1)

    The location of the critical region depends upon:

    • A) Null hypothesis
    • B) Alternative hypothesis
    • C) Value of alpha
    • D) Value of test-statistic

  2. 2)

    How many percent of values are less then 4th deciles in a symmetric distribution.

    • A) 14
    • B) 24
    • C) 4
    • D) 40

  3. 3)

    The combined distribution of more than two random variables is:

    • A) Bivariate Distribution
    • B) Marginal Distribution
    • C) Joint Distribution
    • D) Univariate Distribution

  4. 4)

    The degrees of freedom for a T-test with sample size 14 is:

    • A) 14
    • B) 13
    • C) 7
    • D) 0

  5. 5)

    Which of the falling is true for the binomial distribution b(x: n, p):

    • A) Mean > Variance
    • B) Mean < Variance
    • C) Mean = Variance
    • D) Mean = Standard Deviation

  6. 6)

    What is m f in the formula of mode?

    • A) first frequency
    • B) last frequency
    • C) middle frequency
    • D) highest frequency

  7. 7)

    If a significance level of 1% is used rather than 5%, the null hypothesis is:

    • A) More likely to be rejected
    • B) Less likely to be rejected
    • C) Just as likely to be rejected
    • D) None of the above

  8. 8)

    The variance of the chi-square distribution is:

    • A) 2v
    • B) v - 1
    • C) v - 2
    • D) v

  9. 9)

    ANOVA was introduced by :

    • A) Helmert
    • B) Pearson
    • C) R.A Fisher
    • D) Francis

  10. 10)

    The value of χ^2 can never be :

    • A) Zero–
    • B) Less than 1
    • C) Greater than 1
    • D) Negative