Numerical Analysis Quiz#4, MCQs

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  1. 1)

    The Jacobi’s method is A method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has ____ zeros along its main diagonal.

    • A) Jacobi’s method
    • B) Newton’s backward difference method
    • C) Stirlling formula
    • D) Forward difference method

  2. 2)

    The characteristics polynomial of a 3x 3 Identity matrix is __________, if x is the Eigen values of the given 3 x 3 identity matrix. Where symbol ^ shows power.

    • A) (X-1)^3
    • B) (x+1)^3
    • C) X^3-1
    • D) X^3+1

  3. 3)

    Regula Falsi means

    • A) Method of Correct position
    • B) Method of unknown position
    • C) Method of false position
    • D) Method of known position

  4. 4)

    Eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are all _________.

    • A) Real
    • B) Zero
    • C) Positive
    • D) Negative

  5. 5)

    Newton Raphson method is also known as

    • A) Tangent Method
    • B) Root method
    • C) Open Method
    • D) Iterative Method

  6. 6)

    Secant Method uses values for approximation

    • A) 1
    • B) 2
    • C) 3
    • D) 4

  7. 7)

    In bisection method the two points between which the root lies are

    • A) Similar to each other
    • B) Different
    • C) Not defined
    • D) Opposite

  8. 8)

    Root may be

    • A) Complex
    • B) Real
    • C) Complex or real
    • D) None

  9. 9)

    Newton’s divided difference interpolation formula is used when the values of the independent variable are

    • A) Equally spaced
    • B) Not equally spaced
    • C) Constant
    • D) None of the above

  10. 10)

    Octal numbers has the base

    • A) 10
    • B) 8
    • C) 6
    • D) 2