_____________ is a Greek word which means forgetfulness
- A) Amnesia
- B) Dementia
- C) Alzheimer’s disease
- D) None of the above option
________________ are the people who are quiet, passive and careful people
- A) Extroverts
- B) Introverts
- C) Neurotics
- D) Stable
MMPI stands for _____________________________________.
- A) Minnesota Multiphasic Personal Inventory
- B) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
- C) Minnesota Multiphasic Psychology Inventory
- D) None of the above options
__________________ is the universal forms and patterns of thought. These include themes that can be seen in myths e.g. masculinity, femininity, good and evil opposites
- A) Ego
- B) Superego
- C) Unconscious
- D) Archetypes
The branch of psychology that studies cognition, and related areas issues are called_____________.
- A) Forensic psychology
- B) Cognitive psychology
- C) Counseling psychology
- D) Clinical psychology
__________ derives from the Latin word “Emovere” means to excite, stir up.
- A) Motion
- B) Emotion
- C) Motivation
- D) Cognition
According to Woodworth Memory =L -I –R, R stands for ___________.
- A) recording
- B) remembering
- C) resonance
- D) recall
Which of the following system is a chemical communication network that sends messages through out the nervous system via the bloodstream?
- A) Endocrine
- B) Neuron
- C) Electrical
- D) Central
“The whole is greater than the sum of the parts” is a statement associated with the perspective of ______________.
- A) Introspection
- B) Gestalt psychologists
- C) Psychoanalysis
- D) Functionalism
A motivation from within that energizes the person to satisfy or accomplish a goal in which no external tangible reward is involved is called __________.
- A) Intrinsic Motivation
- B) Curiosity
- C) Extrinsic Motivation
- D) None of the above